Wednesday, December 26, 2012


There's not much to write today.  The New York Times is reporting that the upper legislative house of Russian Parliament voted unanimously to pass the ban on adoptions to the United States.  We are, of course, heartbroken.  Now we can only wait, and pray, that President Putin will not sign the bill, either in its current state, or at all.  We are so desperate to bring Alissa home, and are just sick that it may not be a possibility any more.  We so deeply feel that she was meant to be a part of our family.  The waiting is paralyzing.  As we have throughout this process we covet your prayers and positive thoughts.  As you pray for us, we also ask that you pray for Alissa, that if she is not to be ours, that some other, wonderful family will take her home and give her the life every child deserves.  Please also pray for President Putin, that his ultimate decision on this matter be guided by what is best for children, and not politics, and that he can see that not all American parents are horrible - most of us are simply trying to create our jamaa (our God-given family), the family we couldn't create on our own. Thank you, all of you, for your continued vigilance and support during this incredibly sensitive time.

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