Sunday, November 18, 2012

From Russia With Love

I've been told that when you're in the process of adopting, things can either move so slowly you might as well be watching paint dry, or so fast you might get whiplash.  The latter happened to us last week.

After waiting since April of this year with an approved home study and absolutely no movement, we began to get frustrated and discouraged.  On Monday, I met a man at our Rotary Club meeting who had been conversing with my dad (also a Rotary Club member) at their table, and he mentioned that he and his wife had adopted two children from an agency in the Chicago area.  He gushed about this agency and how great their kids are.  He gave me the name of his agency and his business card and I thanked him for the suggestion - never really putting much hope in now trying to connect to an additional agency and having anything come of it.

The next day, Tuesday, I thought I'd take a chance and email the person at the agency who was in charge of domestic adoptions - as we currently only have an approved domestic home study.  First thing Wednesday morning I had an email in my inbox from the founder of the agency asking me to call - she had options!  Immediately I picked up the phone and began the most encouraging conversation I've had in this entire process.  She was amazing.  And then she suggested something I never would have anticipated.  Would we consider an international adoption?  And would we be open to adopting a child who is HIV+?

Quite honestly we had sort of put away the idea of adopting internationally because of the tremendous cost - more than double what we were planning to pay for a domestic adoption with our agency in town.  The thought of an international adoption had never really re-entered our minds. As we continued to talk, she told me about a little girl in Russia, desperately in need of a loving, accepting home.  I don't think I'll ever be able to explain the overwhelming feeling I had in that moment. In that moment we felt only pure love and concern for this little girl, thousands of miles away, waiting for her parents.  In a true out-of-body moment I heard myself say to the social worker, "I would have to check with my husband, but yes, I think we would definitely be interested!"  We would?!  Holy CRAP!  We agreed that I would check with my husband about this new surprise, and get back in touch.  In the meantime she would contact the placing agency and get more details and possibly some pictures.

Well, I called my husband.  He didn't even hesitate.  It was like, of course we would consider it - how could we not?!  (My husband is awesome - by the way.  I'll admit I have some pretty outlandish ideas every once in a while - but this was a doozy.  He didn't even flinch.  Ah-mazing.)  The more we talked about it, the more the Spirit seemed to move in both of us, and the more we felt like we were being called to this little girl - that she was for us, and we were for her.

On Friday the placing agency sent us some pictures.  Is it strange that someone half a world away can look just like you?  She does.  She looks just like me.

Now is the hard part.  The part of finding the financial and logistical pathways to bringing her home.  I know that not everyone can help in a financial way, so I will put our financial outline in another post.  But everyone can PRAY.  If, however, you are able to help support us, we invite you to check out this post and, as you are able and feel led to do so, you can contribute to our From Russia With Love fund.  One hundred percent of the funds raised will go directly to our expenses, which we anticipate to be more than $46,000.

We are more excited than ever that this little girl has been placed in our path and in our hearts.  We will be posting more when there is more to say, so stay tuned!  And thanks, as always, for joining us as we travel this jamaa journey!

1 comment:

  1. Marissa -- Paula Keesy shared your blog with me. I'm her cousin, Erika ... you were at my house with your mom before our craft show in Ankeny. I RELATE and I am TOTALLY EXCITED for what is about to unfold in your life! I DO understand how suddenly and without explanation you feel that a child is yours and what God had planned for you. Mike and I have two children adopted from Jamaiaca. We had been unable to have children of our own and had just recently switched our prayers for a "baby" to prayers for a "child." We met Ray on a mission trip that our friends insisted we go on (and they paid for us to go)and upon meeting Ray after a church service at the chapel near the orphanage, I immediately had a message in my heart from God -- "this is the child I have for you." Ray was part of our family forever almost a year to the day from when we first met him. THAT wait seemed way to long. Then we met Sheila through a newsletter, and I met her in person when she was 2 1/2. God moved more mountains and when Sheila was almost 6 -- she also became part of our family forever! It is a WONDERFUL way to become parents, and God will equip you to care for your beautiful daughter! CONGRATULATIONS!

    We will be looking at our budget and hope to make a contribution to your adoption fund. When we were adopting Ray, I had my palm read (I know not the smartest thing), but the palm reader, not knowing we were adopting, said "tell your husband not to worry about money for the adoption of the boy. Money will fall from the sky." It didn't really fall from the sky, but we were gifted money unexpectedly from several "angels" as I like to call them to meet expenses when we didn't know where the money would come from. God is good and He will be faithful to complete what He has begun!

    There is another song we sang in church at the time of our adoptions that I sang to myself often:


    My God can never fail,
    He's been proved time and again
    Trust Him and see
    He's got all the power you need

    He's never early, never late
    It takes courage, it takes faith
    Trust Him and see
    He's got all the power you need

    He saves, forgives, and heals
    Takes back what the devil steals
    My debt's been paid in full
    And every day He does miracles

    I got dreams, turn them into plans
    Too big for human hands
    Trust Him and see
    He's got all the power you need
