Well, on Monday we turned-in probably a 50-page application packet that included: two sets of fingerprints, two multi-page autobiographies (with more personal information than I usually care to share with complete strangers, but whaddaya do?), one 8-10 page application, singed payment agreements, financial disclosures, a copy of our taxes, a copy of our marriage certificate, releases for criminal background checks, three cheques and all of my blood, sweat and tears from the last 6 months! Baaaaah! Now I'm trying to decide when to begin to panic that I have yet to even recieve a phone call from our social worker that our packet has been recieved and we're ready for the first steps.
I'm trying to still keep my excitement in-check. I don't want to get too excited because even after home studies and all kinds of jumping through other hoops our application could still be denied, we could not get a placement or all kinds of other derailments. On the other hand, it's hard not to really want to start getting 'serious.' The other day my mom and I were at a certain discount department store and found a lion costume for an infant that was on clearance for $1! As we are both Gustavus grads we found it impossible to resist buying it with the hope that soon we'll be able to have a "Little Gustie" to put in it! Ha!!
Anyway, for those of you who want to know where we are in the process, the answer is... we're still waiting. I have a feeling we're going to be doing a LOT of that. And the skill we will now need to seek is how to turn that waiting into some sort of spiritual practice!
Will post again when we hear any news from the agency. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!
I am so excited, I can hardly even stand it! How are you even doing day-to-day things? How are you loading the dishwasher? How are you sorting laundry? I'd walk around all day with the phone in my hand, waiting for it to ring. I can't wait to see your little Gustie in the lion costume. :)