Monday, March 7, 2011

Dear Baby

Dear Baby,

It's March.  We've been trying to bring you home for exactly 3 months now.  Some days are easier than others - and some are really hard.

You don't know yet what it means to have a "good" day or a "bad" day.  In fact, I hope and pray that your daddy and I can help you have more good days than bad - I think every parent wants that for their child.  As you grow up you will have days that seem "bad."  Some days your feelings will get hurt.  Some days you will be disappointed in yourself, and others.  Some days your heart will break and you will be sad.  But, dear Baby, I want you to know that your daddy and I, and your Father in Heaven will always help you work good from the bad. 

Some days your daddy and I are sad.  We've been dreaming about you and praying for you for so long, each day seems like a lifetime.  We are so ready to meet you, and hold you, and love you and call you "ours."  Today we met with someone who helped us get ready for you.  (By the way - life insurance is a VERY good thing to have.  Even if it seems like you're buying a LOT more than you'll ever need.  We'll talk more about that when you're like, twenty.)  There's a lot of planning to do just to get you here.  Sometimes all those things can feel overwhelming and it's hard to have hope.  You will have days like this, life is just like that sometimes.  However, there are tons of people who already love you and will be there to help you whenever you have need. 

Dear Baby, please hurry home.  We love you and we can't wait to meet you!

With love,
Mommy and Daddy

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